J-E-T-S Game
Sunday, September 25th at MetLife Stadium | 1:00pm vs Bengals
Join us for a JETS tailgate vs Joe Burreaux
10:00am - Parking Lot Opens - Tailgate Begins!
Seats - Mezzanine (200 level Endzone) | $105 per ticket | $45 Parking Lot Pass (optional)
STEP 1 - RSVP - First, fill out the form for how many tickets you would like and contact details- LINK TO FORM
STEP 2 - VENMO @Megan-Haughey for your tickets by September 4th to guarantee seating with our main group.
If you decide to join us after the Sept 4th cutoff, we cannot guarantee your tickets will be directly in our row, but will be around our area.
Bring snacks, dips, chips and some things to share with others.
Food will also be provided by Darrien & Meg